Download these Files (1-2 hours depending on download speed)
You may need an Oracle account.
Download link of Weblogic patchset: You can get download links of weblogic patchset from the following location:-
Download link of Middleware patchset: You can download the patches of Fusion Middleware (JDEV, WC, SOA, UCM etc) from the following location:-
WinSCP to server
Copy install zips to spare storage (I created a new drive, used Vmware/fdisk/mkfs/fstab).
PUTTY to your server with X11 turned on (check option forward X11 in connetion profile), also make sure you are running XWING.
Some files may need to be changed from root to oracle user.
chmod 755 FILENAME
chown oracle FILENAME
chgrp dba FILENAME
Stop all services
Install WLS (5min)
*I had to move the temp directory to the new big drive as well because root ran short, wls installer needed more than 900mb to run.
as oracle
sudo mv /tmp /u04/tmp (where u04 was my new mountain storage)
sudo ln -s /u04/tmp /tmp (created a symbolic link back to the original locations, same as a windows shortcut).
*I used this practice a lot on folders with increasing file size, like the db/ucm/log locations. Ensure drives mount on every boot or install will not work.
*if you have a jar, it's the wrong file, the file should be .bin
sudo unzip FILENAME
to run just chmod +x wls1035_upgrade_linux32.bin
Install UCM (10min)
./RunInstaller as oracle
*reported missing recommended os package (control-center-2.8.0-12)
Specify JRE, I used the one installed with WLS:
Leave other values as default since it's using your existing Oracle home it knows where stuff is.
Install WC (6min)
./RunInstaller as oracle
*reported missing recommended os package (control-center-2.8.0-12)
Set all service to start automatically if you want.
chkconfig service oralce,apache,ucm,webcenter,utils on
Reboot sudo shutdown -r 0 now
Otherwise start all services manually as usual.
Upgrade Jdev on desktop.
Load projects and convert to
Post Install Observations
Some UI skin/page template customization were affected by the patch. Specifically page background, and some UCM image linking capabilities.